**This is a transcript of the first episode of our StreetAuthority podcast series. To listen to the recording, click here.**
It’s just one simple injection, delivered at your local doctor’s office…
But it destroys diabetes, ends Alzheimer’s, even cures cancer and heart disease…
While adding 50 healthy years to your life.
Sound too good to be true?
I can assure you it isn’t.
My name is Jim Pearce.
You’re probably thinking the same thing I did when I first heard these words…
After so many decades of empty promises, I was skeptical to say the least.
But today, something different is happening.
This discovery is so monumental that I’m doing something I’ve never done before… holding our first-ever podcast to tell you all about it.
You see, over the past six months, this discovery has been featured in the most prominent medical journals, including…
I have to admit, I’ve seen so many research reports pointing the same way, that my hopes are definitely up.
I’m not the only one who thinks something unprecedented is going on.
So do many of the brightest minds in medicine…
These aren’t fringe characters or quacks. They are well-respected members of America’s medical community.
And today, they are uncharacteristically optimistic because after 20 years in secretive development, a radical medical breakthrough is finally here.
Believe it or not, a simple procedure at your local doctor’s office could be all you’ll need to cure 12 types of cancer… to eradicate heart disease… diabetes… arthritis… Alzheimer’s… and even extend your life by another 50 vibrant years.
Once released to the public, it will change everything we know about medicine.
It could spell the end of heart surgery, insulin pumps, and organ transplants.
Just think of how it will change health insurance, retirement, leisure, and even our entire concept of health and aging.
It will put thousands of doctors and hundreds of hospitals out of business.
People will become great- great- great-grandparents.
A new normal.
I know it sounds like science fiction. But this breakthrough is here.
Now I want to be clear, I am not a doctor. My expertise is financial.
But when my colleague, James Butts, told me about this medical discovery, I had to bring it to the attention of our subscribers. And I decided the best way to do that was to invite him to join me in our first ever podcast.
Over the course of our interview, he shares another piece of good news…
For early investors, there’s a ground floor opportunity to invest in the three companies that are bringing this breakthrough to the market.
And a rare chance to make a potentially massive profit.
You will likely learn about this breakthrough sooner or later, just by visiting your local doctor’s office.
But in today’s podcast, we want to tell you about it first.
Before we begin, let me tell you a bit more about James’ background…
He’s a senior analyst at Street Authority and a licensed money manager who studied international business and finance in the US, Germany, and Argentina.
He’s managed money at Wells Fargo and held not just one or two sought after certifications, but four: the Series 6, 63, 65, and 26 Security Licenses.
All before the age of 30.
Put simply, his credentials are unlike anyone I’ve met before.
More recently, James has spent the last few years researching medical companies and the fast advance of medical technology.
Now, I don’t normally interview other financial analysts like this. But James’ research really caught my attention.
Being a baby boomer myself, I’m very interested in any way to live longer and healthier.
Despite our dysfunctional medical system, costs spiraling out of control, and Medicare going bankrupt… the private medical industry is booming.
And what we’re seeing in medicine today — in Universities and in corporate R&D facilities — is miraculous.
That’s why I’m doing something I’ve never done before and putting this podcast together.
This is information every investor—and every American—should know about.
Based on James’ research, 2019 could see the end of several major diseases in America… including cancer and diabetes.
But I should let him tell you about this…
Jim: James, welcome to our very first StreetAuthority Podcast.
James: Hi Jim, thanks for having me here. And hello everyone out there.
Jim: So James, over the years you’ve researched many investment opportunities: dividend stocks… blue chips… MLPs… you name it.
But now you’re focusing your research on one specific sector of the market. What brought you to concentrate on this area?
James: Well, as you know Jim, I’ve been researching it on the side for many years. Both as an investor and from a personal standpoint.
I’m not a baby boomer, but it’s never too early to start thinking about and planning for old age.
That was my job as a money manager for Wells Fargo… helping people plan for their old age.
I’ve always been interested in how technology changes the way we live.
The Internet and smartphones have changed our lives in ways we never anticipated.
But those aren’t the only evolving technologies.
What about medicine? How is it going to change our lives?
I got curious, and I started looking.
The more I found, the more excited I got about it because the discoveries coming out of universities and corporate R&Ds today are just miraculous.
And they’re not getting enough exposure in the mainstream press.
Jim: What kind of discoveries? We’re not talking about a new type of drug or anything like that. So what is it?
James: No. It isn’t a new drug. It isn’t a pill, cream, spray, ointment, or any other medical treatment most people have heard of.
It’s totally different — the sort of milestone breakthrough that comes around only once every few hundred years, like vaccines or penicillin.
This breakthrough is called “MiracleBlood.”
A new class of blood cells that destroys disease, and can enhance human life beyond anything we imagined.
It was first identified in 1998 by renowned scientist Robert Freitas, who was awarded the prestigious Feynman Prize for his discovery.
The highly sought-after scientific prize that’s been awarded for such ground-breaking discoveries as DNA editing and nano-medicine.
Since Dr. Freitas’ discovery 20 years ago, many of the world’s top medical institutions have been working to perfect his breakthrough.
Now it’s finally ready to go mainstream. Very close for us to start benefiting from it. And for money to start flowing to investors.
The first proof that MiracleBlood could extend human life came in 2014, when Dr. Ido Bachelet from MIT and Harvard Medical School announced the start of human treatment.
No press were invited.
The London meeting was invitation-only.
Dr. Bachelet stood before some of the top minds in medicine and announced:
“It’s not science fiction, it’s already happening.”
He had just finished developing a new type of blood cell that could identify 12 different types of cancers, ranging from solid tumors to leukemia.
Not only that, but his MiracleBlood was able wipe out half the cancer cells in just three days… and the rest within the following the month.
All with no side effects and no damage to any healthy tissue.
All it took was a single injection of MiracleBlood.
Once it goes live, you’ll be able to go to your doctor’s office and get an injection just like you get a flu or vaccine shot.
The MiracleBlood cells mix into your bloodstream and do their work alongside your regular blood cells.
Jim: Those are amazing results.
James: You’re not kidding! I’ve never seen anything like it.
As you know, our bodies are equipped with their own immune system… made up of our white blood cells.
But these cells can’t handle killers like cancer.
Our immune system simply isn’t designed to wipe out cancer — it doesn’t recognize cancer cells as the enemy because cancer cells start off as regular cells made by our body.
They just go rogue and mutate into a deadly disease.
It’s the same way our immune system doesn’t recognize the plaque accumulating in arteries as a problem because the plaque is created by our own bodies.
These diseases haven’t been around long enough in today’s epidemic proportions for our immune system to adapt.
And it may take evolution hundreds of thousands of years before it catches up and learns to fight them.
Jim: Most of us don’t have that long.
James: That’s for sure. But using the body’s immune system to fight these diseases is the most logical approach to beat these epidemic diseases.
Imagine if we had white blood cells in our immune system that could recognize cancer and kill it like they kill viruses?
That’s what researchers around the world, including the ones listed below, have been racing to develop. A new type of white blood cell that can detect and destroy these killers.
In fact, Pfizer alone has spent $6 billion on R&D over the past decade.
And that’s just the beginning.
Around the world, researchers at the best health organizations are also testing variations of MiracleBlood to fight killer diseases and extend our life expectancy.
For instance…
30 million people are suffering from diabetes in this country, so this is incredible news.
As you can see, this breakthrough is spreading throughout the medical science community.
And it’ll have enormous consequences once released commercially.
Just consider that 234,000 people in the U.S. will be diagnosed with lung cancer this year. It will take 154,000 lives.
266,000 women will get breast cancer, taking another 41,000.
Another 165,000 men will find out they have prostate cancer.
This list is just the beginning.
In each case, mutated cells start reproducing uncontrollably. And the immune system doesn’t recognize the threat.
An estimated 1,730,000 people will be diagnosed with cancer in the United States this year — and 610,000 people will die from it.
You can see how a new type of blood cell could be the most important breakthrough since penicillin.
Since penicillin was discovered in 1928, it has saved 200 million lives.
More than any other medical discovery.
When you consider that 1.5 billion people alive today have cancer, heart disease, or diabetes…
You can see how MiracleBlood could be the most important medical discovery ever.
For early investors, it’s an incredibly rare opportunity to make a fortune.
Jim: So these new blood cells work with our immune system.
But instead of targeting bacteria and viruses like our white blood cells do, they target cancer cells or other things our immune system can’t detect.
James: Precisely.
For instance, they recognize a cancer cell by its telltale characteristics, just like our immune system recognizes viruses and bacteria by their characteristics.
You see, the outside of cancer cells have a protein called nucleolin. Only cancer cells have this protein on their cell walls.
Colon cancer, breast cancer, ovarian, lung… they all have it.
But your healthy cells don’t.
And that’s what the MiracleBlood cells look for. They recognize this protein just like your immune system recognizes a virus.
When they see a cell with this protein, they attach themselves to that cancer cell and cut off its blood supply — essentially killing it by suffocation.
Without affecting the healthy tissue around it.
Jim: Okay, and what is it about the MiracleBlood cells that normalize diabetes, that you mentioned?
Diabetes isn’t caused by cells that your body can attack. In this case, there’s just too much blood sugar your body can’t deal with.
So how does MiracleBlood normalize diabetes?
James: It does it by lowering your blood sugar naturally, much the same way a healthy body would do it.
The MiracleBlood cells mimic the function of your body’s beta cells.
Those are the cells in your pancreas that release insulin.
The problem is that with diabetes, the beta cells stop working properly.
So what scientists at the University of North Carolina and University of Calgary — to name a few — have done is create a type of MiracleBlood beta cell that flows in your blood along with your red and white blood cells.
This way, when these beta cells sense the blood sugar rising around them, they release minute amounts of insulin — the exact amounts needed — to keep your blood sugar at a normal level.
Basically, with these MiracleBlood beta cells, your diabetes is fixed.
It’s like having an internal insulin pump that never stops working.
Jim: That really does sound like a miracle.
So how do we make money off this?
What’s the best company to invest in to capitalize on these breakthroughs?
Or is there more than one you’re looking at?
James: There is.
But what makes these breakthroughs different is that this time they’ve spread throughout the whole medical community.
It isn’t just a single company claiming to have a new technology, a new drug, or cancer cure.
And it’s also different because this breakthrough isn’t being developed by just one company, but by universities and companies around the world.
In fact, world governments are investing in it, too.
The U.S. government, for instance, is so enthusiastic about this technology, it’s investing $1 billion into it every year.
Even the U.S. military has taken a strong interest.
Not long ago, the Navy actually took the FDA to task for dragging its feet in approving a MiracleBlood treatment because it could already be saving soldiers’ lives on the battlefield.
But now, after 20 years of development, a small group of companies have broken away, ahead of the pack.
They’re perfected the breakthrough.
And it looks like they will be the first to bring it to everyone.
One that I’m especially excited about—and have had my eye on for over a year—has partnered up with the leading MIT and Harvard University scientists in this technology.
They hold five key patents behind the MiracleBlood cells that can detect and kill 12 different types of cancers.
This New York medical company already has a long history of being the first to bring medical breakthroughs to the market:
What’s exciting is that the mainstream press hasn’t taken notice yet.
Let me explain…
This company has been written about in the New York Times, and mentioned on CNN… but it hasn’t been connected with this discovery yet.
Even more critical, from an investor’s standpoint… the actual MiracleBlood breakthrough hasn’t been covered by the mainstream press.
So far, I’ve only seen it written about highly specialized science and medical journals such as:
This New York company has a breakthrough that is being applied at many of the top medical research facilities around the world.
It’s already changing the course of medicine.
Jim: So how much can investors expect to make in this company, or others delivering this breakthrough?
James: It’s impossible to say for sure, of course. But whenever a company brings a medical breakthrough to market, the returns for early investors can be astounding.
For instance…
Without a doubt these were huge medical breakthroughs.
But none of them even come close to the MiracleBlood breakthrough we’re about to see.
Jim: How can our listeners get in on this opportunity? And get the details about the New York medical company that’s pioneering this breakthrough?
James: Well, you mentioned earlier that I should write up a report on this opportunity for my subscribers. And I did.
Now I know this is a podcast, but I’m going to quickly plug my report, because I believe it’s the best way for our listeners to take advantage of this situation.
The report is called, MiracleBlood: The Medical Breakthrough that Paves the Way to a Family Fortune.
In it…
I’m going let everyone listening to this podcast get copy of this report free of charge. That’s how important I think it is that everyone gets this information.
And I should stress, if anyone listening is interested in taking advantage of this opportunity, this is a very fast moving field of medicine.
Some of these developments have been in the works for years, with little news coming out about them.
Most of the public research was cited in science journals coming out of universities.
But all of that’s changing.
Now I’m reading about advances and successful trials coming out of universities and research labs every week.
We’re reaching a tipping point.
Everything I’ve seen tells me this breakthrough could go mainstream in the next few months.
I urge anyone who’s interested in taking advantage of it to stake a claim in this company right away.
A few months ago, Sona Nanotech, a company that provides the testing technology for MiracleBlood, shot up 1,080% in a week after news of its new testing product got out.
I anticipate that once the New York MiracleBlood company makes its announcement public — the share price will take off.
And you won’t have another chance to get in at today’s price ever again.
As the media jumps on this, I imagine any company even remotely related to this discovery will see a substantial bump in share price.
Jim: So what should our listeners do?
James: Well, I’ve put my recommendation in the report, which is available to the subscribers of my Top Stock Advisor research service.
Jim: This is the service you’re using to share your ongoing MiracleBlood research?
James: It is.
Jim: Okay, so tell our listeners a little about it, so they can decide if it’s something they would be interested in.
James: Sure.
In Top Stock Advisor, I use a collection of the most successful strategies I learned while working for the big banks as a financial adviser.
Investing for retirement and inheritance have always been a strong focus for me.
And it was the top priority for many of my clients.
I remember one widow who, when her husband passed, suddenly had to manage her retirement savings. Something her husband had always done.
To complicate things, she also had Alzheimer’s.
Which meant I would have to go over her investments with her all over again the next time we met.
I was able to set up her portfolio so it would grow steadily, and provide her with a large dependable income she would never have to worry about.
That’s what I liked most about being a financial advisor — seeing my clients reach their financial goals.
And that’s my aim with Top Stock Advisor, too.
I want to raise the bar for private investors and show them how to create a portfolio sprinkled with triple- even quadruple-digit winners.
The kind of portfolio you can retire on, and pass on to your future generations.
And I believe I’ve managed to do that.
Just consider that if you’re invested in blue chips like most investors, you can typically expect your portfolio to grow 7% a year.
Over the past ten years, it’s been slightly better than that.
And most investors should have seen their portfolios grow an average 12% a year.
But I’ve found a way to do much better than that. And with Top Stock Advisor…
In fact, in our current portfolio of stocks…
Our winners are up a total 887%.
So depending on the size of your account, the gains can be substantial.
Jim: Okay, so how do you do this? What’s your approach to making these gains?
James: My philosophy is simple:
Identify the most indispensable stocks — the core holdings — that can grow your wealth consistently, year after year, without exposing you to unnecessary risk or turnover.
I’ve taught a lot of people how to do this since arriving at StreetAuthority… with secrets like MiracleBlood and many others.
Many folks have written me back to tell me about their success. I printed off some of the feedback I got.
For instance, James P. in Oregon told me…
Robert H. in Helena, Montana, writes…
Lee F. from Missouri says…
Theodore F. in Atlanta posts…
Vernon K. in Pekin, Illinois, writes…
And there’s plenty more feedback like this. But you get the point.
I think anyone listening to our podcast can enjoy the same benefits.
But you won’t know for sure if Top Stock Advisor is right for you until you try it.
That’s why I’ve made it easy for anyone to take a look with no obligation.
Jim: James, it might be a good idea to mention that the cost of your service is a fraction of what you charged as a financial advisor.
James: Yes, good point. But first I should mention one more thing our listeners will get when they try my service.
You see, there is one more company that I’m very excited about that’s also made huge advances in MiracleBlood research.
As you know, our blood is mainly made up of red blood cells.
That’s what gives our blood its red color. They supply our body with oxygen.
So that’s exactly what another medical company has developed…
A red MiracleBlood cell that supplies oxygen.
This is a Chicago-based medical company, and it’s spending $336 million annually for MiracleBlood research.
This company is really innovative.
Right now, they have over 500 medical treatments in FDA trials.
And they are also working with DARPA, the Pentagon’s advanced research projects agency.
DARPA is the visionary outfit that brought us the GPS and Internet.
What makes this company’s breakthrough so amazing is that its MiracleBlood cells are actually more efficient at supplying your body with oxygen than regular blood.
They are eight times smaller than your regular red blood cells. And one red MiracleBlood cell can store 236 times more oxygen and carbon dioxide than a regular blood cell.
The ramifications of this are enormous.
Once injected into your bloodstream, these blood cells supply vast amounts of oxygen — enough to save you from many dangers.
For instance, imagine finding your child falling into a pool, or fast-flowing river.
In the past, panic would cause him to hyperventilate, inhale water, and drown.
But with a preventative shot of MiracleBlood, these blood cells would detect the dropping oxygen blood level and release oxygen steadily for 15 minutes, whether he could breath or not.
They would save his life — prevent him from suffocating or even losing consciousness.
They could also save you from carbon monoxide poisoning, by absorbing the poisonous gas before it kills you.
But what most people don’t realize is how closely low oxygen is related to cancer.
According to Dr. Otto Heinrich Warburg — who was twice nominated and once awarded the Nobel Prize for his breakthroughs…
“The cause of cancer is no longer a mystery. We [now] know it occurs whenever any cell is denied 60% of its oxygen requirements.”
So even without the white MiracleBlood cells, these red MiracleBlood cells could prevent cancer altogether.
Jim: And it’s not only cancer — there many illnesses related to low oxygen intake, like anemia or asthma.
I recently read about a Southampton University study that also showed a relationship between low oxygen absorption and diabetes.
They found that giving diabetics high levels of oxygen started to reverse their diabetes.
James: Yes, these are all exciting reports for the company developing the red MiracleBlood cell.
And we haven’t even talked about how this all affects life extension.
According to Dr. Lisa Christiansen…
“By age 50 you have lost 40% of your lung capacity. Lung capacity and oxygen level are the best predicators of longevity … [and] most people by age 60 are extremely oxygen deficient.”
That’s why the red MiracleBlood cells are so essential to our longevity.
A shot of MiracleBlood could return your oxygen levels to normal, returning your endurance level to what it was in your younger years.
And if you combine them with the white MiracleBlood cells I started off talking about, you can now extend human life far beyond what we consider normal.
In fact, initial studies with mice showed that enhancing oxygen doubles their lifespan.
As far as humans are concerned, researchers at New York’s Albert Einstein College of Medicine put the limit at 125 years of age, giving us another 50 healthy years of life.
The best part is that once these red MiracleBlood cells — and the white MiracleBlood cells — become available…
They will be affordable to almost anyone.
They may cost just $50 a shot, just like flu shots.
That’s because according to industry insiders, these blood cells, “[can] be manufactured in practically unlimited supply very inexpensively.”
Jim: It sounds like this breakthrough will truly change our lives going forward.
So how do people find out about the company that’s developing the red MiracleBlood cells?
James: Well, I’ve included another report covering this Chicago-based company. It’s called, How Red MiracleBlood Cells Postpone Old Age by 50 Years.
In it, I also cover a third stock that’s leading the MiracleBlood breakthrough.
Together, I believe these companies will be the first to bring MiracleBlood to the market.
And just like the first report I told you about, I’m also giving away this report free, to anyone willing to try my research service, Top Stock Advisor.
Jim: So how do they get started now?
James: To get started now, just let me know that you’re interested, and I’ll give you access to everything I’ve mentioned, in the next few minutes.
Top Stock Advisor costs $199 for one full year… about as much as a dinner for two at a fine restaurant.
If you take advantage of even one idea I mentioned today, your gains could be substantial.
Just consider that when a company called Vertex Pharmaceutical discovered a way to treat rare genetic diseases…
Its shares shot up 1,500%.
When Alnylam Pharmaceuticals perfected a way to turn off the genes that cause certain hereditary diseases…
Its shares shot up 1,200%.
And when Regeneron came out with a similar breakthrough…
Its shares shot up 900%.
Jim: You recommended some of them, didn’t you?
James: We did. And I expect these are the kind of gains ahead of us now.
Perhaps even bigger.
If our listeners take advantage of the MiracleBlood companies I’ve shared here…
They could reach their financial goals just like so many investors who already follow my research.
And keep in mind, if you try my service and you’re not happy with it within the next 90 days…
Just let me know. You’ll get a full refund and get to keep all the reports.
It’s that simple.
I truly believe you’ll be satisfied with Top Stock Advisor.
But I know you have to first try it, to be convinced yourself.
So to make it easy for you…
My publisher has agreed to waive the regular annual rate of $199 and let you try it at an 80% discount.
It’s pretty standard in this business to offer new subscribers half off to get them on board.
But a discount this huge is almost unheard of.
It means you’ll pay just $39 for one full year of Top Stock Advisor — that’s just 11¢ a day for financial advice that can profoundly change your life.
And don’t forget that many of our subscribers are reporting gains that work out to hundreds of dollars each day.
As one member, Lee F., told us from his home in Missouri…
So right now, I’d like to offer an open invitation to our listeners: join subscribers like Lee, by giving Top Stock Advisor a try.
Jim: Thank you James.
This was a very informative talk, I’m glad we did it. You’ve given our listeners a lot to think about.
James: My pleasure. Thanks for joining us, everyone!
Jim: Well, there you have it, folks.
If what James says is true, this has to be one of the most exciting breakthroughs I’ve seen in my entire career.
Living to 125 will let us enjoy multiple generations of grandchildren grow up… see the world change… watch man travel into the solar system…
And the best part is that the MiracleBlood breakthrough could go mainstream as early as the next month or two.
I truly hope you look into this opportunity. So just click on the button below and grab your copies of James’ MiracleBlood reports.
I’m Jim Pearce, thank you for joining us.
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